Keeping Secrets

Today I was hired on to voice a gorgeously filmed and directed two-minute concept/branding pitch by a hugely reputable ad agency for a very large company, both of which, for now anyway, must remain nameless.  There was also a short, yet-to-be-filmed demo commercial, too, but it was the concept piece that really reminded me how much I love what I do for a living. Additional bonus: it was recorded at BWN Music, a pretty, pretty studio I’d never seen before.  And with an engineer who used to be a chemist, and with whom I had the most delightful conversation, touching on, amongst other things, the eight different kinds of bears in the world.  Lest we forget, I am a part-time performing artist over at the Science Museum of Minnesota, so this conversation was not as random as it may seem at first.  He named six right off the bat – far better than most people – and got Adorable Points for guessing the last two types as belonging to the Care- and Gummy- species.

I love working with engineers. They all seem to have these insanely awesome private lives that I often only find out about later.  They're enigmas, I tell you! Wonderful enigmas!

Since I really can’t divulge much more than that, I’ll just give you a peek inside the recording booth, instead.
