Radio Hong Kong: Episode II

Radio Hong Kong: Episode II is now available for download via or iTunes. And thank god. My hope is that it will overshadow the droll awfulness that was my contribution to episode one (If you think I’m going to provide a direct link to that thing, you can think again – and please don’t purposefully seek it out, because it will only make you bored-yet-strangely-irritated, and I find the bored-yet-strangely-irritated rather disquieting. Mind the gap. Thank you). The episode one issue at hand is that Foster, bless his heart, made me believe that my performance was good and that it sounds all NPRish. Just for the record: it wasn’t and it didn’t. The next time I think I can get away with “phoning it in,” I need to think again, because this is audible proof that I can’t. It just sounds, well, boring and strangely irritating. Point taken? Good.